Wednesday, October 29

Why is spelling so important?

What is one of the qualities that you take about in a software that has typing? Spell check. Spelling its a grade on your report card in elementary school.  Its a requirement for a good paper. It has it own Bee's (spelling bees).

Why is spelling so important? I am a horrible speller. I remember back in 5th grade, that was the thing I struggled in. I've always been shining in everything thats academic and the only thing that I can't seem to master (besides algebra) is spelling. If I study the word I can learn to spell it. But I can't to that for every word in the dictionary. There's no way I could, I'm being serious my attention spanned is not that long unless I'm really truly interested.  Just today I got a paper back that I worked my ass off to write and I lost 10 points of the 31 on my spelling errors and now my grade is down because writing is the biggest part of our grade. So now I have a B+ in that class. Next quarter I'm ganna try and go for all A's. I do that now but I mean I'm ganna actually study for tests. Like right now should be studying how to spell my spanish numbers for my Chapter test in spanish tomorrow. There again with spelling. I don't see why its so horrible if its a letter off you can still read it and its not like I'm using words I can't pronounce. I know them I just right them down how I sound them out. Which always seems to be wrong. I think I have a memorization problem. And thats why I can't hear a phone number and then write it. I have to hear it as I write it. Idk if its because I have a fear of messing up and causesing something to go wrong or if I just don't try hard enough. 

O well I dont see the point in spelling this DEAD ON when you can still read it if it wrong. So what if I put and e instead of y in the work embryo. Sounds the same to me. And when I leave out the s in conclusion, it should be 'tion' anyways so get over it. If your close enough it shouldn't matter.

Spelling can go to... English Book. God what did you think I was going to say lol

Luv y'all
