Wednesday, October 29

Trusting Guys

I have pretty much lost my trust in guys. I have always been iffy about trusting people. And a few guys have flown there loyalty flags and it seems to be that none of them are flying my colors. My secrets are being told. The one thats really hitting home is coming from a guy that has worked half the summer to gain my trust back when he lost it in the end of June. I really thought I could trust him again but now I know I can't and that I can no longer tell him things. At the moment I'm not being very friendly. Although another guy that broke my trust I expected and in a way I wanted him to tell. I only told him certain things that I wanted the person that he was telling to know. 

An yet I haven't given up on trusting guys. I have a bff  that only know one or two 'important' things ands hes keep to himself. Which hows that I have a flag from him. Also one that knows tons but he has no idea what's important. I just know that hes keep others secerts and thats the type of guy he is. So another flag there. 

I know that if I said guys are just as bad at keeping secrets as girls it would be right. So I'm pretty much learning that just about any will tell a secret if there's enough temptation. Life is a new lesson everyday you life it and guys are WAY for harder to figure out then girls.

Why is spelling so important?

What is one of the qualities that you take about in a software that has typing? Spell check. Spelling its a grade on your report card in elementary school.  Its a requirement for a good paper. It has it own Bee's (spelling bees).

Why is spelling so important? I am a horrible speller. I remember back in 5th grade, that was the thing I struggled in. I've always been shining in everything thats academic and the only thing that I can't seem to master (besides algebra) is spelling. If I study the word I can learn to spell it. But I can't to that for every word in the dictionary. There's no way I could, I'm being serious my attention spanned is not that long unless I'm really truly interested.  Just today I got a paper back that I worked my ass off to write and I lost 10 points of the 31 on my spelling errors and now my grade is down because writing is the biggest part of our grade. So now I have a B+ in that class. Next quarter I'm ganna try and go for all A's. I do that now but I mean I'm ganna actually study for tests. Like right now should be studying how to spell my spanish numbers for my Chapter test in spanish tomorrow. There again with spelling. I don't see why its so horrible if its a letter off you can still read it and its not like I'm using words I can't pronounce. I know them I just right them down how I sound them out. Which always seems to be wrong. I think I have a memorization problem. And thats why I can't hear a phone number and then write it. I have to hear it as I write it. Idk if its because I have a fear of messing up and causesing something to go wrong or if I just don't try hard enough. 

O well I dont see the point in spelling this DEAD ON when you can still read it if it wrong. So what if I put and e instead of y in the work embryo. Sounds the same to me. And when I leave out the s in conclusion, it should be 'tion' anyways so get over it. If your close enough it shouldn't matter.

Spelling can go to... English Book. God what did you think I was going to say lol

Luv y'all
